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109 Movie Reviews

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time to step it up

its about time you ween yourself off the stick figgres and draw a real man. Also, start recording words instead of having text bubbles.

Nice work

this reminds me of those gum comercials where the trident gum has a scottish acecent and says "im the gum that can out last you" Does anyone know what im talking about?

Anyhow good job. a cigarette dies every second... ecept in LA... there its only every 3 seconds... stupid smoking ban plaqueing this country...


good times man. This was a funny parody of those stupid anti drug comercials. youre art style was simmilar to my own, and i liked that. It was a profesiona presentation of a creative idea. I had pretty much forgotten about the preadator. Maybe you should make more, with old forgotten badasses... like swamp thing or the alien from the aliens series. Great work, and ill be looking for your future submisions.

nononsinse responds:

Thanks for your review, I looked at your movies & you're right, we both draw without outlines.

as an artistic person

i was impresed. I can see where you gget your influences from, and it was very mnodern. Im sure it got you a decent grade, and i especialy liked the transitions between scenes. Its too bad not everybodys life is that orderly.


Anything with the ziperfish stamp of approval is bound to be funny... But for some reason i get the notion that these are always super hung up on celebritys. It must be nice to be one of the big dogs 'round NG..

yo man

that was some tight stuff. breakdancing is cool... and that was a tough thing to animate. realy great skill, although it wasnt yery entertainig. good for what it was.

one of the best...

as far as stick movies are concerned. Im adamently against those who make stick films but this was top notch all the way...


but great. I hate those damned bs truth comercials, and i dont even smoke. People should be alowed to kick back and relax with a sig. I Think your cartoon woud have hit off better if you drew actual men rather than stick men though.

Hey Mr.C

I know youve been feeling suicidal. I read all your shit on the bbs. Im pretty sure this depression is why you made this. But dude, seriously buck up. Its all not so bad. People go in and out of relationships everyday. Well heres all i have to say. Dont do anything irational, even get help profesionaly if you need it. I know where your coming from, cause my ex tried to commit suicide after i left her, but man, life goes on. Dont say you'll never love again, just sit back and you'll find yourself swooning over a new someone soon enough. Your movie was touching, i dont think ive ever given a stick movie such a good score. See you on the bbs.

Feminist, Anarchist, Activist, Illustrator, Addict. Artist, Photographer, Bicyclist. Hookah enthusiast. Photoshop narcissist.

Age 39, Male

Graphic Designer

Coulumbia College Chicago


Joined on 3/1/04

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